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February 06, 2009



Lovely pin! That sweater looks like a big hug. Definitely not your size, and I'm used to seeing you in more figure-flattering, fitted sweaters. Still, it's very pretty, and looks super comfy...like a big hug!


Looks pretty fancy, Nancy!!! I like it. You'll get a lot of use out of it. Not everything has to be totally fitted. We need comfort!


I love it, it looks great with the jeans and would look great with a casual skirt. The pin is a great idea, gives you the possibility to tie it up higher or lower. And that quilt looks great on the wall. Thanks for sharing. Danielle


I love the sweater. It looks fabulous. I have the Custom Knits book, and hopefully will one day be able to make something out of it! LOL


Looks wonderful. Sometimes slouchy is good.


Like the look of the huggable jacket! I knitted one this time last year and have only worn it twice! Too hot for the spring/summer and on days when it was cold enough to wear, it was raining! But I love it when I slip it on! It has a very comforting safe feel and I am sure yours will too. Love the quilt on the back wall.


Great sweater, but I'm with you re sweater pattern sizes. If we are going to handknit our clothes, they might as well fit our bodies. For your poor mouth, try a mouthwash made with tea tree oil. Hope the misery does not last until October.


I think you did a great job.


I love it!


I really like this sweater. It looks so comfy and I love the color. You are on fire, well done you!

Louise Snitz

I'm interested in your pin. I'm slowly, Slow-ly, making Shadowing Knitting Kimono by Vivian Hoxbro and will need a pin. Did you find it on a great on-line site? Congratulations on finishing!!! Looks comfy.


Beautiful sweater! Looks very soft and wearable.....and I LOVE your quilt.

Lisa Clarke

I totally LOVE this sweater and am wishing I could make something like that myself!


Beautiful sweater! It looks great on you and I like the color too. :-)


I love the sweater and the way you added the pin - beautiful!


Aha, I think I just found my first sweater for Knit 3 Wear 3. Love it!


Kisses from Brasil!



I’m looking for the pattern to knit Loppem…
I’m a french knitter and in France, Berroco is not avalaible.
I find your Loppem absolutely wonderful… Many congratulations!!!!
Please!!!! could you send me a copy of the pattern by email?

I will be very happy and I would be very grateful to you for it… I can send you many pattern in exchange: Phildar, Bergere de france etc…

Forgiveness if I bother you, sorry, but Loppem is in my head , and I can’t forget it ;o))

Many Thanks, and A lot of kisses from France!!!!


I love the sweater - it looks just gorgeous (and so do you!), I love the colour and look of the yarn with the pattern (and the quilt is the best background) it is hard to get just the right amount of flouncy trim - and that pattern just gets it perfectly, very fabulously fabulous. I am a huge fan of things that close with pins too - you don't have to choose buttons, they "fit" no matter how much you ate last night, and you can adjust the fit to hide tomato soup stains that have splattered down your tummy (I don't know how I know these things.... or how the latest soup splatter got down there, hmmmm).


The sweater is just beautiful! And I'd agree, by bust size, my arms are too short ;)


This question is way off topic. I found on Ravelry that you've made Zoe Mellor's Bunny Jacket. (Looks fabulous) How did you work the bunny motif? Intarsia? Stranded? Duplicate stitch? Or a combination?

Thanks, nancyknots on Ravelry, or email to nancyDOTfletchATgmailDOTcom


Might need to knit that for myself! Yours looks so great:)


Your version of the sweater looks better than the one in the book! I love that shade of gray. And if I knit it I will feel forewarned about the armhole fit.


I just started knitting the sweater in a wool/mohair marled yarn. At first the increase rows stumped me (I've never done a top down pattern).
But, I think I have it now! Will keep in mind your comments, thanks!

Jordans 2

What a pity I miss seeing all those gorgeous knits! Thanks for sharing the photos.

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