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December 03, 2008



Just to say that what you said resonates with me about blogging. I wasn't really around when the whole knit blog thing took off, but even now I still am inspired on a daily basis by something someone else has made. Sometimes I'm lucky, you put a post up and I get to be inspired by some of your wonderful work.


I loved to read what you said about blogging. I think one of the callenges is finding a pace in posting that fits one's personality, and the time that is available, without being rushed to much... I love to read your posts, and I like the fact that people blog with different time intervals ; )


Wonderful thoughts! I love the quilts that you received, and the on that you made. It's lovely. I really have to make some small quilts.


I love doing swaps there so fun:)Hugs Darcy


You quilters blow me away with your magic! I thank Al Gore every day for inventing the Internet to keep me connected to the rest of the knitting world, which I would be otherwise unable to do. The inspiration I draw from you all is just icing on the cake!


Thank YOU for sharing your creativity with us! Your blog has been one of my faves through the year. Very inspirational :) Thanks for sticking with it.


Well worth the wait! The mini quilts are all beautiful and I marvel at the time you find to make them. My first quilt is progressing, but slowly - a time issue. This new world of blogging is addictive and inspiring but oh so big!! So, I have decided to limit my internet world for a while so I can enjoy them to the full and still find a little time for projects. Thank you and I await your next blog!


Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! And thank you for the thank you. :o) Your blog was my inspiration and started me down all those various "tubes" to undiscovered countries and new friends. So I give the thank you right back. I agree, I think the knitting and crafting community has boomed, helped along quite a bit by Ravelry. But for all the growth, it actually makes the world much smaller, closer and more tightly knit as we discover artistic people all around the world to connect with. I may not have a neighbor who speaks to me but I have friends I've never met around the globe who are as dear as family. It is both daunting and comforting all at the same time.


I found your blog several months ago thru those winding paths we take thru the "tubes" and never could do again. I was just amazed at your creativity and the beauty of your quilts. I spent the better part of an afternoon going back to the beginning and reading every entry. I found we had knit - or at least started many of the same knitting projects and grow the same beautiful roses ( you might be ahead of me on this). And I was blown away by the beauty of your quilts which I don't do. Please stick with the blog as much as you can. I know it must take alot of time but yours is really on the highest plain. I stop by every day or 2 to see if you have anything new for me. Keep up the good work.


Dear Nancy,

It is unbelievable, but so encouraging, that we have been art friends and more for 10 years now. I have been graced throughout that time with your creativity and friendship, whether over the wonder that is the Internet or in person. From the first letter that I received from you, looking for an art exchange buddy, I knew that you were something special. And I continue to be amazed by the largeness of your talent in so many realms. I consider myself better for having known you, both as an artist and as a person.

Thank you for sharing a bit of my story on your blog and for your support and encouragement for my life change.



I too do enjoy your blog. Your work, your garden, the photographs you make.... they are all so beautiful! The other reason I love your blog is I found in you someone who shares my interests and who is, like me, a stay at home mother. That in itself is in our country not that easy, because we women are supposed to be working. Being at home, raising your children in every way possible, is not a job.. according to too many people!(Although with the current financial crisis, women probably have to stay at home more, because that's way better for the children...) Being creative is just a nice little hobby... and so when I first read your blog it felt like meeting someone who was just like me. Finding time to blog can't be easy, but I really hope you will find it somewhere between your children, your garden, your no doubt volunteering work and all the other stuff you manage to do in just a day!


I don't think what you do on your blog is anyhing I would call "self-indulgent" - I think the effort taken to do anything creative is time well spent. I've just come back from a Christmas family holiday to Seville and one of the highlights was a visit to the Museo de Artes y Costumbres Populares where I was humbled by an exhibiton of embroidery and hand made lace - the tiny stitches and the design and delicacy were humbling and also deeply moving, the detail was surreal. However, when you think about it the tiny stitch samplers and the edgings meant for the more intimate garments were not really made for anyone but those closest to the stitching - self-indulgent? Certainly not, it made me think of all the women who create these items and I felt quite sad that this sort of social glue and collective striving to offer up our best for even the smallest daily details is not something we celebrate so much anymore. I say - keep going and polish every stitch! self-indulgent is the laziness of making do with mass-produced and far-away whilst demanding we pay the makers a pittance and ignoring our responsibility to be the creative beings we are meant to be. Sorry -long reply, must stop my rambings and rantings in 2009


Just wanted to wish you a happy New Year and to encourage you to keep going with all that you do!


Happy New Year Nancy, it's nice to know you in my own part of my "small town".


I couldn't agree more with your description of the internet and knit blogging community, and how it has changed over the years. Thank you too for what you have contributed to it, from someone who only drops in every now and then, but likes knowing that there will always be something interesting and inspiring here when I do!

Brenda Wolfensberger

I really enjoy reading your blogs when I have time and am very impressed and jealous of your quilts. I have just started quilting and have only finished a few. I would love to hear more about the mini-swaps and how they work. That sounds like fun! Can you share with me how you set that up and how it works?

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