Wench Connections

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August 27, 2007



I read regularly but don't comment much; but I had to say that I love the fresh, new look!


Blog makeovers take SO much time! Your dressing room analogy is perfect and will have me laughing to myself all evening.


Like the new look!

Although, "Knitting Wench" isn't any worse than the "Yarn Harlot." .... Of course, when I tell people "Chappysmom" they get these knowing, sly smiles, like "Oh, I should have known!" But then, I DO rather have a reputation for doting on my dog!

Teresa C

I love the look! But I have to say, Knitting Wench rolls off the tongue just a tad easier. I'll get the hang of it. Hee.


Looking good - like the new name :o)


Hi Nancy! Love the new look. Are you on Ravelry??


I am curious if you ever finished the Noro Silk Garden Y772 block sweater? I have been searching your blog for final results. I was curious how it turned out. I am finding mine to be too long and am thinking about cutting out a section of blocking. My guage is fine for width, but seems to be long. I am having fun making the sweater. I look forward to your input. Your work is beautiful!


I am hoping that you can direct me to where I can find the pattern that was used for the 'Bag From Blue Heron Yarns Cotton Chenille Tape - Spring '02.' Thanks for any help you can give me.


Has your blogsite changed or are you just not blogging anymore?

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